10 Things They Didn't Tell You About Cats

cat and human bonding


As a first-time cat parent, you probably did a lot of research to prepare for your new furry friend. You read up on their diet, grooming, and behavior, and you thought you had it all figured out. But, as any seasoned cat owner will tell you, there are some things that no book or website can fully prepare you for. Here are 10 things they didn't tell you about cats:

1. Keep the litter box clean

Even the healthiest cat that's never had a problem using the litter box will have an accident outside the box if you make this rookie mistake. And that mistake is: not keeping the litter box clean enough. Cats are very clean animals, and they will avoid using a dirty litter box. Make sure to scoop the litter box frequently and replace the litter completely every week or two.

2. Watch out for hidden health issues

Cats are experts at hiding their pain and discomfort. Even if your cat seems fine on the surface, they may be suffering from a hidden health issue. It's important to take your cat to the vet for regular checkups and to keep an eye out for any changes in their behavior or routine.

3. Provide a scratching post

Cats love to scratch. It's not just a destructive behavior - it's a natural instinct that helps them stretch their muscles, mark their territory, and sharpen their claws. Make sure to provide your cat with a scratching post or pad to prevent them from damaging your furniture.

4. Stick to a routine

Cats are creatures of habit. They thrive on routine and consistency, and they can get stressed out by sudden changes in their environment or schedule. Try to keep their feeding, playtime, and bedtime routines as consistent as possible.

5. Let them play

Cats are hunters by nature. Even if they are well-fed and pampered, they still have an instinct to hunt and kill. That's why they love to play with things that mimic prey, such as feather wands.

6. Respect their personality

Cats have their own unique personalities. Some cats are outgoing and social, while others are more reserved and independent. It's important to respect your cat's personality and not force them to be something they're not.

7. Let them relax

Cats are masters of relaxation. They can sleep up to 16 hours a day, and they know how to find the coziest spots in your home. Whether it's a sunbeam, a cardboard box, or your lap, your cat will always find a way to chill out and unwind.


Cats are sensitive to changes in their environment. They may react negatively to loud noises, new smells, or strangers in the house. If you notice your cat acting anxious or stressed, try to identify the source of their discomfort and provide a safe and quiet space for them to retreat to.


Cats communicate in their own way. They use body language, vocalizations, and scent marking to express their feelings and intentions. By paying attention to your cat's cues and signals, you can learn to better understand and bond with them.


Cats can be the most loving and loyal companions. Despite their reputation for being aloof and independent, many cats are fiercely devoted to their owners and love nothing more than snuggling up on their laps or following them around the house.

That's a wrap on the top 10 things they didn't tell you about cats! As you can see, being a cat parent is a never-ending adventure filled with surprises, mishaps, and a whole lot of love. While you may never fully unravel the mysteries of your feline friend, the journey of discovery is half the fun. So, embrace the hairballs, the purrs, and the occasional scratch, and enjoy the unique bond that you share with your cat. Who knows, you might even become the next internet sensation with your cat's hilarious antics!

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